Perspectives on culture, language and cultural diversity in Finland
This chapter reflects on the impact of 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions on Finnish cultural policy, political discourse and public action instruments. The main question is: Does the Convention correspond to a paradigm shift or is it part of continuity of state actions? The methodology of the chapter is mostly descriptive and follows how the idea of cultural diversity has developed parallel to the emergence of and changes in official cultural policy, both pre- and post-convention. It is safe to say that in Finland, the Convention has not created new public interventions, or none have been developed as a result of the Convention. The Convention is seen as a tool for international relations and cooperation rather than a tool for national cultural policy. The Convention has created an international framework of operations and highlighted topical policy issues especially within the EU.
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Maria Hirvi-Ijäs Erikoistutkija, FT, nykytaiteen dosentti +358 50 463 5575 Profiili