Research project Page last updated 7.2.2024

Employment in the Finnish film and TV industry

  • Duration of the project: 2019 — 2020
  • Publications : 1

In a collaborative research project carried out by Cupore and the Finnish Film Foundation, Cupore was undertaking a study on employment, career paths and factors affecting employment among persons with a film or TV degree.

The study was focused on persons who have gained a degree in film and television during 2005-2019 from the Aalto University, the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, the Turku University of Applied Sciences, the Tampere University of Applied Sciences or the Arcada University of Applied Sciences.

The purpose of the research was to gain insight to prevailing practices in the labor market connected to the film industry and to produce further information for the development of the film and TV industry and its funding system in Finland.

The results were published in the final project report in summer 2020.

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