Research project Page last updated 8.2.2024

Diversity and equity in arts and culture

  • Duration of the project: 2023

Once every one or two years, Cupore compiles a report focusing on different aspects of equality, ethics, diversity, and non-discrimination in the field of arts and culture. The first ‘diversity report’ will be published at the end of 2023 and will deal with the situation of artists with foreign background in Finland.

The diversity report is commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Culture and is based on the proposal of the Ministry’s Working Group for Cultural Policy, Immigrants and Promotion of Cultural Diversity (2021). The proposal was included, in a slightly modified form, in the Ministry’s action plan to promote diversity in the field of arts and culture (2023).

The report on the situation of artists with foreign background uses as key data the annual Arts and Culture Barometer conducted by Cupore and the Arts Promotion Centre Finland, as well as information from Cupore’s ongoing register-based research As an Artist in Finland. In addition, statistics on the arts and culture sector and surveys on the subject carried out in recent years by organisations in the sector will be utilised.

The diversity reports will also assess the research tools and knowledge base of cultural policy in terms of identifying and describing diversity. Proposals will also be made to mainstream diversity in knowledge production. As a background to the project, a mapping of domestic data and international statistical and monitoring methods was carried out (Lahtinen & Karttunen, 2023).

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