Towards Oulu2026 – European Capital of Culture

Baseline for the evaluation in 2022

The Centre for Cultural Policy Research Cupore explores and evaluates the next Finnish European Capital of Culture – Oulu2026.

This report maps the baseline situation for the evaluation of the Oulu2026 activities in the year 2022. The framework for the evaluation is based on the specific indicators that can be mapped to ECOC’s objectives. These indicators have been defined in collaboration with the Oulu2026 team from the Oulu Culture Foundation that is responsible for the implementation of the Oulu2026 activities. The framework of indicators is based on EU guidelines.  

In the baseline year, Oulu2026 activities had not yet been widely implemented. Therefore, the reporting of the baseline situation mainly relies on the Bid Book prepared by the city of Oulu, based on which Oulu2026 was selected as the European Capital of Culture. The Bid Book defines the key objectives of Oulu2026 activities, which also form the basis for the selection of indicators.  

The report is part of Cupore’s series of reports on monitoring ECOC activities, to be released annually until 2026. 



Project researchers