Effectiveness of State Subsidies for Promoting Cultural Activities of Disability Communities and the Accessibility of Culture – Final Report

Summary and Recommendations

In 2016–2017 Cupore analyzed the effectiveness of the subsidies awarded to support accessibility and disability communities in Finland between 2005 and 2015. The research was commissioned by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture and it examines the effectiveness of the subsidies in relation to cultural policy objectives and ways to improve accessibility through public funding for arts and culture.

As a part of the study, Cupore was to present a proposal and recommendations on how the access and equal participation to arts and culture could be better achieved through state subsidies.  As a result the research group presents 20 proposals that aim to mainstream accessibility as a part of the discretionary state subsidies for arts and culture and to further develop ways to evaluate the impacts and effectiveness of state subsidies.

The final report (in Finnish) of the project was published in March 2017.  An English language summary (including the recommendations) is included in the report, downloadable here.


Jakonen, Olli & Lahtinen, Emmi & Sokka, Sakarias (2017): Yhdenvertainen kulttuuri! Selvitys vammaisyhteisöjen kulttuuritoimintaan ja kulttuurin saavutettavuuden edistämiseen myönnettävistä valtionavustuksista. Cupore’s web publications 41. Helsinki: Center for Cultural Policy Research Cupore.

ISBN 978-952-7200-17-9 (pdf), ISSN 1796-9263 (pdf).



Project researchers