The fact sheet paves the way for monitoring diversity in the arts and culture sector

Knowledge production on the diversity of the arts and culture sector should be developed in cooperation with minorities and agents in the field, states a recent fact sheet published by the Center for Cultural Policy Research Cupore.
The diversity of the arts and culture sector is being regularly monitored in several countries. The starting point has been the need to make visible and support the realisation of equality and non-discrimination. Cupore’s new fact sheet provides an overview of diversity monitoring work in Finland and abroad, and describes the development needs and prerequisites for knowledge production on diversity in the arts and culture sector.
The fact sheet states that perspectives on equality and diversity are identified in Finnish data and analyses in varying and inconsistent ways. Developing diversity monitoring would require both the collection of new data and the development of existing data production.
“The development and reporting of data collection must be carried out in cooperation with agents in the field, data producers and minorities. It is important to have continuous discussion about the objectives, object and content of data collection, as well as the different uses of data,” say researcher Emmi Lahtinen and senior researcher Sari Karttunen, who drafted the fact sheet. Researchers pay particular attention to the classifications used in data production and the need to negotiate them.
The fact sheet is based on a proposal drafted by a working group of the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture to develop a system of statistics, indicators and monitoring, and to establish a barometer on diversity and equality in cultural policy.
The fact sheet can be read and downloaded on Cupore’s website (PDF format):
Further information:
Senior researcher Sari Karttunen,, +358 50 327 1414
The fact sheet is also available in Finnish.
Further information about research Diversity and equity in arts and culture.
Kuva: John Schaidler/ Unsplash