Ritva Mitchell

Research Director
Ritvan kasvokuva

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Ritva Mitchell was Cupore’s Research Director from 2003 until 2014. In spring 2015 she worked as special adviser at Cupore. As research director Mitchell developed Cupore’s national and international networks and headed several research projects in Finland and internationally. Mitchell was one of the founders of the European Institute for Comparative Cultural Research (ERICarts), ECURES- and CIRCLE networks and the European Cultural Policy Award. She has acted in several boards and steering groups of cultural policy research networks and institutes. In 1992-1997 Mitchell worked as special adviser at the Council of Europe. At CoE she was responsible for example for the national cultural policy review programme and for the report In from the Margins – A contribution to the debate on Culture and Development in Europe (1998). From 1982 to 1992 Mitchell was the research director of the Arts Council of Finland research unit.

Ritva Mitchell passed away on Wednesday the 6th July 2022.