Kirsi Törmi



I am a PhD in dance studies, and in my dissertation “Choreographic Process as Interaction” (2016) I outlined an interactive choreographic process, and also reflected the responsibilities and ethical questions of an artist. I am working as a project researcher at Cupore’s ArtsEqual research project, group Socially Responsible Arts Institutions and Artists. As an artist-researcher I am interested in interaction, encounter, ethics of participation, and especially in embodiment in the middle of all the above-mentioned.

I have been working widely among the field of dance as a dancer, choreographer and producer. At the moment, I am working as an artistic director in the Full Moon Dance Festival in Pyhäjärvi, Finland. I am enthusiastic about artistic research in projects that concern the interfaces between art and welfare. I also work as an Ihminen tavattavissa -mentor, TRE-director, a Gestalt therapist (in my training period) and as a work supervisor.

In addition, I teach and give lectures and participatory presentations.