Evaluation of the Government Key Project: Access to art and culture will be facilitated
Summary in English
Download Finnish report with an English summary on pages 10-13 of the publication.
The summary includes
- Background and objectives
- Implementation
- Outcomes
More information
Finland, a land of solutions. Strategic Programme of Prime Minister Juha Sipilä’s Government (2015) https://valtioneuvosto.fi/documents/10184/1427398/Ratkaisujen+Suomi_EN_YHDISTETTY_netti.pdf/8d2e1a66-e24a-4073-8303-ee3127fbfcac/Ratkaisujen+Suomi_EN_YHDISTETTY_netti.pdf
Ministry of Education and Culture: Expanding the percent for art scheme https://minedu.fi/en/expansion-of-the-percent-for-art-scheme
The Handbook of the Percent for Art Principle in Finland https://prosenttiperiaate.fi/the-handbook-of-the-percent-for-art-principle-in-finland/
Taikusydän: Arts and culture for health and well-being in Finland https://taikusydan.turkuamk.fi/english/arts-for-well-being/