Assessing Governance in the Context of Copyright Systems: new edition of a publication by Cupore

News   12.3.2018  

A revised edition of Cupore’s publication Assessing Governance in the Context of Copyright Systems is online. The publication now also includes a section discussing the separation of powers.

The publication explores different ways to evaluate copyright governance at national level. It discusses the definition of good governance and the assessment of the copyright system’s compliance to different good governance principles. In addition, a list of questions is presented for the assessment of copyright governance in public institutions and collective management organizations.

More information and the publication can be found on the website of Cupore.

The publication is related to the work launched in Cupore in 2009 to develop the assessment of the copyright system. For more information, see the methodology on the assessment of the operation of national copyright systems and Cupore’s project Assessment of the copyright system to support decision-making.
